Saturday, October 31, 2009

The hater

I am a very straight person, not sexually, am saying attitude
Perhaps you can direct translate it to chinese "直"

Meaning, I wanted to set thing straight, I am saying what I am thinking
I tell what I want to tell, and what I say represents what I am.

Let me have some situation.
Example A, I am not a excellent planner for everything, but I tried to make things right. I do TRY without saying I CAN'T!

Example B, If there is a problem, I won't chase after the roots and keeps saying it over and over again, I am not some fussy women. I go for solution.

Example C, When I am pissed, I will say "please shut up" to everyone that talk to me
Theory behind this, is I don't want to transfer my anger to those who talk to me.

I am kinda honest in my behavior, no point hiding it.
I am a bad guy, like in those movies.

Let me explain something, "Good Guy" is someone gentle, kind and caring, handsome, must not yell and say rude words, behaving 24/7 365, smiling all the time and the most important thing, pay the bill, and you are the man
And In eyes of most girls, i said most, thinks that every guy SHOULD or MUST be a good guy

I posted this, i expect some comments about this!

Some random thing of me,

I hate time waster (hangout and workout doesn't count hahaha)
I hate cock talker (understanding of this statement just keep it with me)
I hate blur owner (Felicia take note! hahaha,being a friend is okie, but not colleagues)
I hate alcohol refuser (alcohol is good, haha)

Okie, cut the crap, I am done
Comments and reply later (if there is any)
Peace out~
Dc, November 4th, 0200.

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